Monday, January 1, 2018

Easy Ornament Storage

It's that time of year. The time when the holidays are over, the Christmas decorations get put away, the tree gets throw out the window and the next thing we have to look forward to is the first day of Spring. 

This year, I decorated my home for Christmas, before Thanksgiving.  Needless to say, I was ready for the Christmas decor to come down as soon as Christmas was over.  It is sad to see all of it get packed up, but the thing I look forward to the least is wrapping everything back up and storing it away until next year.

Last year, when we were taking down our tree, I was SO sick and tired of trying to fit all of my ornaments back into their original boxes, and pack all of the boxes away into a bigger box! Chris, the boys and I all get several new ornaments each year, so it was getting harder and harder to store all of them conveniently. That's when I decided to work smarter and not harder. I trashed all of the ornament boxes and made my life 100x easier!

I used the same storage boxes that I kept all of my ornament boxes in.  I replaced the little boxes with plastic cups! Not all of our ornaments are fragile, so I will put 2 or 3 in each cup.  For the fragile ones, I simply put one in each cup and don't need to worry about paper or bubble wrap to protect them.  It's so easy the next year when we're decorating the tree! The hooks are still attached and easy clean up and storage. Does it get much easier than that?! Nope.

Supplies needed:

- 1 or 2 large boxes (I use small plastic totes)
- Plastic cups
- Ornaments

  Step 1: Line the storage box with plastic cups. 
                                                      Fit them snug, so no cups tip over.

Step 2: Put the ornaments in the cups!
Step 3: Trash your empty ornament boxes and relax! 
 Happy New Year everyone! May it be filled with less clutter and more time spent with family and friends! <3

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Next Chapter: Moving Tips

We sold our first home, you guys.  We have lived here for 5 years, and during those years a lot has happened! College graduation, marriage, ...