Monday, October 24, 2016

5 Minute Pickup

Do any of you (all two of you) ever feel overwhelmed by the destruction your children can cause in your home?  I'm talking every book off of the shelf, 50 packs of fruit snacks on the floor, poop on the couch, and crawling on the counter... all in 10 seconds flat?

I would consider myself someone who likes to have a clean space.  In college, my dorm room always needed to be clean, or at least picked up, in order for me to accomplish any type of school work.  It might have been 50% procrastination, 50% neat freak, but regardless, it needed to be neat for my brain to function clearly.  Well, not much has changed in the past 4 years.  I still find myself internally losing my crap when my house is in shambles.  This happens at least once a day. 

I have two people in my life that I need to thank for today's post. First, is my step mom, Annette.  The second, is my Mom, Mary.  Annette has a spot for everything.  It's not just the main floor in her home that she keeps spotless, but every bedroom, every bathroom and even the laundry room is spotless.  Nothing is left out, and everything has a "place".  My Mom, on the other hand, is a little bit more "lax", if you will. She isn't messy by any means, but she isn't as concerned with neatness, as others may be (sorry, Mom). However, my Mom taught me an important life lesson when I was young.  Every Sunday, after church, my brothers and I would have to clean our bedrooms in order to play outside or go anywhere.  It was the rule of the house.  Starting my procrastination at a very young age, I would always drag my feet.  My mom would always say, "Set a timer for 10 minutes, and see what you can get done in that time. You will be surprised".  Much to my surprise, she was right.  Are mom's always right? Yes, yes we are.

I think this "method" worked for me, because I am a competitive person (when I want to be).  But there was just something about this that motivated me to get stuff done. And to get it done FAST.

I would love to have a 100% clean and spotless house.  And someday, I will. But, right now, at this point in my life, I don't. And I won't.  With an 18 month old and a baby due any week, it's just not a reality for me. 

So, I wanted to share what has been working for me over these past few months, and what will continue to be my "go to" until chaos has left our home... so, in 18 years.

During Benson's nap time, I pick 3-4 rooms that need to be "cleaned".  I turn on some music, and I set a timer for 5 minutes (per room), and I get to work.  It's amazing what I can accomplish. ***DISCLAIMER*** - this method will not work if your child is not contained in a high chair, crib, bed, etc.  Talk about 2 steps forward, 8 million steps backwards.

To give you a visual of what 5 minutes can accomplish...

This is our living room BEFORE:

This is our living room AFTER:

 YES! This took just 5 minutes.  I even had time to get out my cleaning supplies, and ended up extending my time limit to dust! The things that excite me these days, are unreal.

This is generally my "checklist" for the rooms...

- Put away items on counter (usually bills, cups, papers, etc.)
- Wipe down counters
- Put away items on floor (usually toys, toys, or toys)
- Load/Unload dishwasher

- Make bed
- Take water glasses to Kitchen
- Pick up anything on the floor (usually husband's clothes and towels)
- Put away 1 basket of laundry

- Clean toilet (and shower if you have time.  However, I usually clean the shower when I'm in it. Is that gross?)
- Wipe down counters
- Clean mirror
- Change towels

Living Room:
- Pick up items on floor and put away (We keep our toys in the living room, so usually the floor is hard to see. This takes a majority of the 5 minutes.)
- Dust furniture and window wills

- Put away shoes
- Hang up jackets that get thrown on railing (Thank you, husband)
- Shake out rug
- Wipe down doors (Again, thank you, husband)

At least 3 times a week, I vacuum our downstairs, which is our main living space.  Our Golden Retriever, nor our son, has any mercy on our souls.  I also mop once a week.  This can be done instead of picking a room to clean. 

I hope this helps all of you mama's who have lost hope or given up on the cleanliness of your homes (and your minds).  I know that for myself, I can't think if my house is a mess.  This helps me have a clear mind, as well, as it doesn't make me feel overwhelmed at the thought of cleaning my ENTIRE HOUSE.  That gives me anxiety just thinking about it.  Us Mom's need to take life one step at a time!

Comment below with your "before" and "after" pics!! 


  1. That explains a lot about how you keep your house so clean. I've heard of the "set a timer" method and I'll have to give it a shot. I think it will help with my extreme ADD.

  2. I tend to use a similar method for the girls room and our living room. Lately it's our bathroom that gets deprived (mainly our shower and toilet) I'll have to try your method of cleaning it while in it :D A good excuse to get a little extra alone time.... Since having Em and feeling on the go all the time for the others I just haven't found a routine to stay on top of it all.


Next Chapter: Moving Tips

We sold our first home, you guys.  We have lived here for 5 years, and during those years a lot has happened! College graduation, marriage, ...