Sunday, October 29, 2017

Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas

We've all been there...  It's one day before Halloween and you're at a loss for a costume.  Your child changed their mind about what they want to dress as or you simply forgot that Halloween was so close. And you're stressing out because you had an entire Pinterest board of costumes for little Susie for the next seven Halloweens, and didn't make a single one. Well, here you are. You have no time to go to the store to get the supplies for their wardrobe change. You and your child are now panicking. 
Please, panic no more. 

The following costumes can be compiled from items around the house.  Yes, these items will actually be things that you keep in your home. I'm not expecting you to have 30 yards of tulle or a lime green wig laying around for your convenience. You may not have the exact supplies, but, improvise!

Concessions Vendor Costume
- Cardboard box (Come on, I know you have at least one Amazon box around)
- Ribbon 
- White shirt
- Black pants 

- Overalls or jeans
-Yellow shirt
- Head band
- Plastic Solo cup (cut the top of the cup off so there is 1" left at the bottom.  Draw eyes in the cups. These will be your eyes/goggles. Fasten to headband.)

- Toilet Paper 

Rosie the Riveter
- Button up shirt
- Jeans
- Bandana 

- Snow clothes
- Helmet
- Goggles
- Snowboard boots

- Plaid shirt
- Jeans
- Sun Hat
- Face makeup (If you feel like it)

Kid in PJ's
- PJ's
- Slippers
- Stuffed animal

Prom Queen
- Your old prom dress (You know, the one that's still in your closet)
- Tiara

- Camera
- Floral shirt
- Socks 
- Sandals
- Hat
- Fanny pack

Don't stress too much over a costume.  Raid your closets and toy box and I think you will be surprised at what you can come up with. I don't know about you, but where I live, my kids end up wearing jackets anyways! Have a fun and safe Halloween!

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