Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Essential Oils for the Mainstream Mama

I know my blog name says it all, but I wouldn’t consider myself to be a “crunchy” or “green living” mom.  I don’t buy all organic and I don’t always recycle! I do, however, try to be a good steward to my family and to the world we live in.  But, I will tell you that I don’t always succeed.  Now, being a mainstream mom, I do like to try new things.  I remember hearing about essential oils a few years ago and rolling my eyes at the thought of an oil being so drastically beneficial.  I know oils have been around for a long time, but I do feel like they’ve recently become extremely popular.  

*Disclaimer: I am not a Doctor, and this information is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.*

I first became interested in essential oils when I hosted a shopping event in my own home! My house smelled so good and I was interested in learning more about these magic oils.  I am assuming this is about the same place that you are right now.  You are/were hesitant about such oils, but are open to hearing more about them! You came to the right place! I am here to give you an unbiased opinion, because I have been where you have been and now I am on the other side. 

What are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are highly concentrated liquids that are extracted from plants, flowers, stems, and other plant parts.  Whether or not you want to admit it, we all know that there are some plants that are beneficial to us.  Think of the roses your significant other gets you on Valentine’s Day.  Don’t you just love putting your nose in them and inhaling the beautiful aroma? Doesn’t it instantly make you happy and stress free?  Did you know that there are other benefits to Rose oil, such as purifying blood and boosting libido?  I didn’t either, but this is the whole point of essential oils.  It’s not that they just smell good, although some of them make me wrinkle my nose, but they have other benefits to them too! 

Where can I find these oils and which ones should I buy?
Essential oils are becoming so popular that you can find them at almost any store that sells bath/beauty products, including the big chain stores. There are also independent distribution companies, such as Young Living and doTerra.  I am not here to tell you which place is the BEST place to buy from.  However, I will caution you to do a little bit of research. See how the plants used are harvested and how the oils are extracted. Essential oils should NOT have an expiration date on them.  If they have an expiration date, I would suggest to look for a different brand.  These oils should be pure, without added water or other ingredients.   You will see that prices of different oils vary.  It takes roughly 50 lemons to make a 15 ml bottle of essential oil.  On the other hand, it takes 30,000 roses for a 15 ml bottle of Rose oil! Just be mindful of that, in case you get sticker shock!

How do I use essential oils?
There are three ways to use essential oils; aromatically, topically and internally. 

Aromatically – You can diffuse any oil you would like, in a diffuser.  There are so many good smelling oils out there, and they can be beneficial to inhale.  For example, diffusing peppermint oil is great for a cough or congestion. Diffusing essential oils is a great alternative to candles!

Topically – Add a drop of essential oils to some carrier oil (vitamin e oil, coconut oil, etc) and apply! Essential oils absorb into your blood stream quickly, so they can be beneficial with a backache, headache, or sore muscles!  Be sure to always read the labels and do research to see where they should be applied. Typically, you can apply them to the bottoms of your feet, wrists, neck and temples! Or, try adding a few drops of Lavender oil to a warm bath! Sounds relaxing, doesn't it?!

Internally – Always read the labels first, but some oils can be ingested! Young Living has a “Vitality” line, which are oils, specifically for ingesting.  Ingesting essential oils can help detox your body, aid digestions and support internal organs!  If you’re looking for a place to start, try adding a few drops of lemon oil to your water, or adding thyme or oregano oil to your favorite dinner recipes!

My family and I use essential oils every day in our house.  I diffuse oils in my kid’s rooms during nap time and during the night and I, almost always, am wearing an oil topically. If you are teetering on the edge of giving them a shot, go for it!  Essential oils have so many benefits and uses! They can become a very useful tool in your home!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas

We've all been there...  It's one day before Halloween and you're at a loss for a costume.  Your child changed their mind about what they want to dress as or you simply forgot that Halloween was so close. And you're stressing out because you had an entire Pinterest board of costumes for little Susie for the next seven Halloweens, and didn't make a single one. Well, here you are. You have no time to go to the store to get the supplies for their wardrobe change. You and your child are now panicking. 
Please, panic no more. 

The following costumes can be compiled from items around the house.  Yes, these items will actually be things that you keep in your home. I'm not expecting you to have 30 yards of tulle or a lime green wig laying around for your convenience. You may not have the exact supplies, but, improvise!

Concessions Vendor Costume
- Cardboard box (Come on, I know you have at least one Amazon box around)
- Ribbon 
- White shirt
- Black pants 

- Overalls or jeans
-Yellow shirt
- Head band
- Plastic Solo cup (cut the top of the cup off so there is 1" left at the bottom.  Draw eyes in the cups. These will be your eyes/goggles. Fasten to headband.)

- Toilet Paper 

Rosie the Riveter
- Button up shirt
- Jeans
- Bandana 

- Snow clothes
- Helmet
- Goggles
- Snowboard boots

- Plaid shirt
- Jeans
- Sun Hat
- Face makeup (If you feel like it)

Kid in PJ's
- PJ's
- Slippers
- Stuffed animal

Prom Queen
- Your old prom dress (You know, the one that's still in your closet)
- Tiara

- Camera
- Floral shirt
- Socks 
- Sandals
- Hat
- Fanny pack

Don't stress too much over a costume.  Raid your closets and toy box and I think you will be surprised at what you can come up with. I don't know about you, but where I live, my kids end up wearing jackets anyways! Have a fun and safe Halloween!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

'BIG' Helper

We all know that it is important to include our children in daily household tasks. Although, as moms, it may not always be the easiest thing to do.  Let's be honest, it usually results in more work for us.  But, extra work aside, what are the benefits of allowing our children to be "helpers"?

Relationship Growth
We all dream of the days where we can sit back and let the kids take over some of the responsibility of household chores. Especially doing the things that we hate the most! Allowing your children to help in household tasks lets them feel very involved in the family.  It allows them to learn about family relationships and builds responsibility and pride, not just for them, but for you too! It helps both of you communicate and listen to each other.  And, believe it or not, it makes you both more patient! Sometimes you will need to be hands on and assisting your child and other times, you will need to step back and patiently allow them complete the task.  As you are encouraging them throughout the process, this will teach them to be encouraging to others! Letting them help you, in turn, takes a little bit off of your load. Sounds good to me!

Personal Growth
Picture your children when they are older, as determined, dependable, purpose driven and responsible people. Guess what, it starts now! These are the characteristic that will grow as we allow them to take over some of our simple tasks.  The responsibility of handing over some small daily chores helps fuel their determination and have a purpose! Not only does it give them an opportunity to contribute to the family, but it helps them set goals too. We all know how important it is to set reasonable goals for ourselves, why not teach our kids at a young age too?  But, with responsibility and goals, comes failure and that is okay! I will say it again, it is okay to fail.  Help your child build character and teach them that when they fail at something, they need to try again until they get it right and help them problem solve when they get stuck! There are so many life lessons they can learn by inviting them to help you with small tasks.  Believe me, they are small to us, but SO big to them!

As moms, we need to let go of our expectations.  Yes, the task would get done 500 times faster if you did it yourself.  Yes, it would be less of a mess or more organized if you put those things away.  Your children are not going to do things the way that you do them, and that is okay.  Teach them how, or let them learn their own ways! You may even learn a thing or two!  Instead of shooing away your child during dinner prep, invite them into the kitchen to help you! Do not worry about what your house will look like or what people will think.  It is our responsibility as moms, to teach our children and to raise them to be decent human beings! It starts now. 

Putting away silverware! My least favorite thing to do and his favorite! Yay!

How do you go about this? Well, first of all, go back and reread the paragraph directly above this. Next, encourage your child! Get them excited to help you! Don't make it a chore to them, even if it a chore to you!  For the sake of you both, try to avoid frustration.  A big part of that is assigning age appropriate tasks.  Do not ask your three year old to put away groceries or sort his laundry from dad's laundry, because it will end in frustration and anger.  Try not to use money or candy as a reward.  This will make them think that every time they help you, they must be rewarded with something.  Then, once you stop offering them money, they won't be as willing to help you or others.  Be sure to give clear expectations and keep them simple.  Remember this phrase, KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid.  Don't give five directions at once, but one or two at a time and then praise them when they've completed those! You will be so proud of your little one when you see the excitement on their faces from helping you! Embrace those moments, and the mess!

Setting the table
Washing potatoes before dinner
Need ideas? 
Here are some age appropriate tasks to start with!

Age 2-3
  • put dirty clothes in hamper
  • dress themselves
  • fold simple laundry (washcloths, pillowcases, underwear)
  • put away clothes in drawers (put corresponding clothing stickers on drawers to help)
  • brush teeth by themselves
  • throw away trash 
  • pick up toys
  • put dishes in sink
  • feed animals

Age 3-5
  • make bed
  • pick up room
  • sort silverware or socks
  • clean off counter/table with sponge
  • water plants
  • dust
  • set table

Age 6-8
  • get mail
  • vacuum
  • empty dishwasher
  • put away groceries
  • clean out car
  • yard work
  • sweep garage

Monday, October 16, 2017

Save $1,000 before Christmas!

Christmas is EXACTLY 11 weeks away! I know, I know, it's crazy how fast this year has gone.  But, now it's time to get into the Holiday state of mind. If you're like most people, thinking about holidays probably gives you instant anxiety.  Between the money, traffic, family time, parties, long lines and, did I mention MONEY?! It's no wonder the Holiday season invites the unwelcomed guests of anxiety and stress.

Well, I am here to help ease that panic for you! At least, the money part.  I can't help you with your pesky cousin or in-law. You're on your own with that (sorry).  How does an additional $1,000 in your pocket sound? If you're the 1% who already has their Christmas shopping done and gifts wrapped (do those people even exist?), you can use this money for blessing another family, hosting a party, paying bills or cushioning your savings account.

Now, you may be asking "where on earth am I going to find an additional $1,000?".  I want you to pause right now and think of you closet or your basement. 😳 How many items are in those two places that you haven't used in two years? Start there! For those of you with kids, go through those clothing bins and decrease the amount of shirts and sleepers your 9 month old has! Search your local area for any buy/sell stores, such as, Once Upon A Child, Style Encore or Plato's Closet.  Facebook Market and Craigslist are also great local classifieds where you can sell your crap, I mean very valuable items. Another great idea is getting a seasonal position at a local store.  Many places hire extra staff just for the holiday season! This would be a great way to bring in some extra cash! If you're crafty, set up an Etsy shop and sell your handcrafted goods online! OR here's a good one, stop going out to eat or buying lunch at work! Yes, I mean actually pack your lunch and make dinner at home. *gasp* I think you will be surprised what you can come up with!

Before I post the chart, I want to remind you that this is a simple 11 week challenge! This is a very "doable" task and I believe that YOU can accomplish it!

Here it is! Print this out and hang it on your refrigerator or put it in your wallet! Check off each week as you have completed it! If you can save an extra $5 or $10 a week, do that! Make this something exciting and get your husband and kids involved!

I am so excited to hear your success stories with this! Comment below with your idea of how to save an extra $1,000 in the next 11 weeks! 


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Life With Two

... and then there were four. That was the exact saying I used to tell my husband we were having another baby! I typed it on a big piece of taped it to the bathroom mirror with all of my positive pregnancy tests on the vanity.  Fast forward roughly nine months, and here we are!

November 18th, (which just so happens to be my Dad and Step Mom's anniversary) we welcomed Luca Scott into the world! I'll save my birth story for another day, but even from the first contraction, every thing was different than with my first.  Labor, delivery and life as I knew it was all different. Well, most of it.

During my pregnancy I always worried that I wouldn't be able to love this baby as much as I loved Benson.  I know that is a terrible thing, but I think every mom thinks that at some point (or maybe not).  Everyone I said that to told me I was crazy.  They said it's almost as if your heart will double in size to be able to love both kids just the same, which is A LOT! Well, November 18th at 8:37 am, I learned that it is indeed true.  I felt like the Grinch that day... "Well, in Whoville the say- that the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day".  (For those who don't know me, I love the Grinch)

ANYWAYS. After my heart grew three sizes, the reality set in... I have 2 KIDS! Now what do I do?!  Well, in the past 3 months of parenting two kids, I've learned a lot and I'm here to share!

Here are the top 5 things that having two kids has taught me...

1. Enjoy the sleepless nights.  
WHAT! I remember crying with Benson because I felt like I would never sleep a full night ever again.  Thankfully, that only lasted 6 weeks, when he decided to sleep all night long! With Luca, I took advantage of them.  I snuggled him.  I stared at him.  I enjoyed our peaceful time together, rather than wishing it away.  Lord knows that in the morning, it will be back to chaos! Can I get an Amen?!  I felt like because I had a whole different attitude about getting up 3 times a night, it made me actually enjoy them! Attitude IS everything.

Romans 12:12 "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

2. Throw away expectations.  
Here is a list of a normal person's daily expectations:
  • Shower
  • Drink hot coffee
  • Keep a tidy home
  • Eat healthy
  • Keep it together in public 
Prior to having kids, those were my expectations for myself.  After having one kid, I probably achieved 50% of those on a daily basis.  With two kids, you can forget everything I just mentioned above.  Put a big X right through that list, because it won't happen.  At first, it was hard to accept, but let's face it, having two kids is hard!
My dining room table is currently a fort made out of camo sheets (but luckily you can't see it, because it's camouflage 😉).  Benson eats Fruit Loops almost every morning.  On the mornings that he doesn't, he's inhaling MY hot oatmeal.  OH, and going out in public... HA! I mean, my kids are pretty good in public, but you know those stores that have the little kid grocery carts?!?! I DESPISE THOSE STORES! I'd rather cut my leg off than have to push around my big grocery cart (full of groceries and a baby), chase Benson up and down the aisles, pick up all of the display items that he knocks over from his reckless driving, and carry him to the car kicking and screaming because he had to "park" his cart before we left... all while juggling a baby and bags of groceries. Like, seriously. The owners of those stores clearly do not have children.  But, at the end of the day, we are all alive and (mostly) well (even if I am stinky, in a dirty home, eating oreos).

Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

3. Call for back up.
You guys, I am not one to ask for help. Like ever.  But, I did it.  In my last few weeks of pregnancy, I put Benson in day care one day a week. Go ahead and judge me, but, it was exactly what I needed to keep me sane.  I also scheduled all of my appointments and ran errands on that day.  Now, since having Luca, while Benson is at day care, Luca and I get some one on one bonding time.  It's amazing! I had so much one on one time with Benson, which I cherish so much, but having two kids makes it really hard to have that same bond with the second baby! It's also harder to go out on dates with my hubby! We have been able to go out twice since having two kids, which I know doesn't seem like a lot, but it's something! It's so important for Chris and I to have some alone time together and to talk about grow up things, and not "tooting" or "choo-choos"!

Psalm 121: 1-2 "I lift up my eyes to the mountains- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."

4. Include #1.
Benson is such a sweet little boy.  He loves giving kisses to baby Luca and sitting next to him.  But, he needs to be included on a deeper level.  Luckily, Benson helps me give Luca baths and he throws away dirty diapers and helps me dress Luca.  He really is such a big helper and he gets excited about it, because I get excited about it! Plus, it gives me a little break when Benson is being a helpful big bro! I think that including him has seriously eliminated a TON of jealousy issues.  Thankfully, we have had very little jealousy up to this point!

Hebrews 13:16 "And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased."

5. Don't forget about yourself. 
During my pregnancy with Luca, I was reminded about how important self love is.  Being a mom, a lot depends on me! The job of a mother includes SO many roles: house cleaner, cook, nanny, taxi driver, nurse, therapist, etc.  It's so easy to lose myself in all of the chaos that is around me, that I forget to take care of myself.  Most days, I forget to eat a meal!  But, we all know that if Mom is down and out, life basically falls apart.  I mentioned in my second point about daily expectations.  In reality, I make it a point to shower every day and have a (somewhat) hot cup of coffee.  Whether it requires me to wake up 30 minutes earlier than the kids or pushing it off until nap time, I make it a priority for myself.  Showering and consuming coffee are two things that keep my head above the ground, so they have to happen. Every. Single. Day. For the sake of everyone! 

Psalm 112:7 "She confidentially trusts the Lord to take care of her."

Well, those are my thoughts on adjusting to having two kiddos!  It is a hard task, being a mother, but I wouldn't want any other job in the world.  There's no greater blessing than being a mama to my two beautiful boys.  Thanks for reading! 


Next Chapter: Moving Tips

We sold our first home, you guys.  We have lived here for 5 years, and during those years a lot has happened! College graduation, marriage, ...